
Pre-workout Fuel Recipe & Opinion

It has always bothered me.
When I’m at Field Hockey practice and girls go “Ohh im so dizzy” because my immediate questions is
“Did you have breakfast?”
And every single time they say no.
They say no!?
How can someone not eat since the night before and expect to be able to withstand two hours on a turf field playing fockey in the heat? It’s not good for your body – in fact it is VERY dangerous.


Luckily for me, i made myself the PERFECT pre-workout fuel.. which i will SO make again.


Pick-Me-Up Blueberry Banana Pancakes

Mmm - a little "preview" of the recipe

Mmm – a little “preview” of the recipe

So… there is a slight chance i didn’t go to bed till around 5:30am… just a slight chance

You see, yesterday morning i decided to get my affairs in order and begin my online financial literacy course. Needless to say, at 12am I was not tired and was determined to finish. I was victorious at 2am (i still have a practice test 😦 ). (more…)

Thick Blueberry Oats

Its Monday
– and i’ve done a fruit haul today (yaaay) whilst write a bunch of letters and go over my history draft.

My new recipe is an oatmeal one
Now i would say that i have oats, or at least try to, almost everyday – unless I’m having a bagel.
Oats are such a versatile food – i like to think of them as a blank canvas and all the toppings and flavours you add are the paints. The combinations are limitless and everyone has their own way.
Now, i always make oats on the stove. Mostly because it allows me to decide what consistency i want. As much as i love oats, i sometimes find that i cant get it… “goopy” enough without it all being just oats and chunky. Which is when i figured out the perfect ingredient to add..


Yup! Now don’t be frightened it actually comes out AMAZING – as you will see in the pictures bellow. Now for my recipe i used Stonyfields ‘Thick and Creamy’ however, greek yogurt would work the same.

Now ive been on a bit of a blueberry kick lately recipe wise mostly because i just bought a bundle of fresh ones – but don’t you worry – different flavours will be coming soon!


PETER 3:3-6
Do not let your adorning be external—the braiding of hair and the putting on of gold jewellery, or the clothing you wear— but let your adorning be the hidden person of the heart with the imperishable beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which in God’s sight is very precious.
